Industrial doors experience a lot of mechanical stress. Because they operate almost constantly, minor problems can become major expenses if they’re not fixed quickly. More importantly, damaged industrial roller doors can become unsafe.

To prevent all manner of issues with your doors, watch out for signs of trouble and act fast by arranging repairs and maintenance.

Sure Signs of Trouble with Industrial Doors

While some symptoms are more obvious than others, each of these signs should be taken seriously when you notice them on your door:

  • Sudden movements: A constant and steady speed is a sure sign of a healthy roller door. On the other hand, unexpected and sudden movement indicates a serious brake issue. If your door is becoming unpredictable, stop using it immediately. Shut off the power to the door, prevent people from moving through it and call a 24/7 service team for repairs.
  • Sticking or stopping: These problems are usually mechanical, but they can also indicate significant wear and tear on the door. To prevent minor issues from escalating, address them immediately. Keep the door closed if possible and re-route foot and vehicle access until the problem is diagnosed and repaired.
  • New dents, scratches and marks: Industrial doors are tough. A few dents and scratches won’t do them much damage at all. However, new dents most likely mean that someone has hit the door and hasn’t told you about it. A significant impact can cause damage to cables, brakes and tracks. Any unusual noises, movements, or other irregularities should be examined and the extent of any new damage should be determined.
  • Noises: Modern industrial doors are relatively quiet, so if your door starts making noises (squeaking, rattling, abrasive sounds), have it looked at by a professional. Squeaking could be a sign of friction, rattling could indicate chain or brake issues and any other noise could also be the first sign of a problem.
  • Exterior damage (vandalism): It’s an annoying fact of life that people try to break into industrial premises. With modern industrial protection doors, their chances of actually getting in aren’t high, but they can do real damage. Check for damaged locks and any attempts to jimmy doors, which can affect the panels. Locks should be replaced immediately and any panel damage should also be fixed.
  • Vehicle impact: An occupational hazard for all industrial doors, vehicle impacts will happen sooner or later. The damage isn’t usually significant, but an impact can affect door mechanisms. Test the door and organise repairs if there are any signs of performance issues.

Looking for a professional to install roller shutter?

Thompson’s Roller Shutters can provide repairs and regular maintenance for your industrial doors in Sydney. As well as this, we also provide 24/7 services and repairs as required.

Call us on 02 9567 0488 for fast professional services or contact us online for more information about how we can help you.